Tuesday 25 September 2012

Postcard from Trujillo

Now we're going to the bank.  When we first started going to Peru we used to have to queue for hours at the bank in order to get our foreign exchange, but now with ATMs everywhere we can go to the bank for a different reason - to explore the interior.  As I said yesterday,  quite a lot of the colonial houses in Trujillo have been taken over by banks, presumably as they're well able to preserve these beautiful casonas.

This bank is in the Plaza de Armas - remember from yesterday?
And now we go inside:
As you can see, it's roped off like a stately home.  Could you imagine the bank manager entertaining you here?

Don't ask who the gent in the painting is as I have no idea.

Another lovely courtyard
Have you ever fancied spending the night in the bank?

Above is a selection of old money.

Back outside again:

I hope you enjoyed our unusual visit to the bank.

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