Monday 24 September 2012

Back into Trujillo

We're now going to explore what they call Trujillo Monumental.  This is the courtyard of one of the casonas, or colonial houses, that has now been turned into a bank.  In fact, there are several like this and we're going to explore one of them very well.  But first, here's the main square, the Plaza de Armas.

The blue building on the left is where we're going shortly.  It's the Banco de Reserva, but let's carry on looking at the square for now.  This is the cathedral:

This is the Municipio or City Hall:

We'll go round the corner and have a look at one more building - government offices:
And I'll do a separate post for the inside of this building, which really is lovely:
But here's a taster:

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