Monday 17 September 2012

Postcard from Chiclayo

This is what the Chiclayo website says about "La Cuidad de la Amistad."
Peru's fourth largest city, Chiclayo is the capital of the Lambayeque region located on the northern coastal plain of Peru. It is 95 feet above sea level. As of 2005, the city population was approximately 546,054 inhabitants, with the surrounding metropolitan area being 910,255 persons. 

A sunny and warm climate with fresh ocean breezes embraces a geography including impressive mountains and expansive beautiful beaches with spectacular waves, (quite popular with surfers).

It is a land of legendary ancient civilizations and a wealthy colonial society reflected in its majestic and traditional  constructions... 

Chiclayo Region streamThe city of Chiclayo is well known for its beautiful colonial architecture, delicious seafood specialities, and natural medicines, although it is the surrounding area's impressive archaeological sites and ruins which undoubtedly brings the most tourism interest. 

Trivia & Quick Points:

  • Chiclayo and surrounding region are probably most well known for their archaeological sites and treasures, such as Sipan, Túcume, Batán Grande and Huaca Rajada.

    The most significant of these archeological discoveries is the tomb of the Señor de Sipán-
    in which the amount of treasure found there rivals that found in the tomb of King Tut.
  • The surrounding Lambayeque region of northern Peru includes expansive beaches with excellent waves and has become quite a popular (yet relatively unexploited) surfing destination.
  • The thriving marketplace commonly known as the Mercado Modelo features all kinds of shopping- from appliances and clothing to an impressive array of fascinating natural medicines and herbal remedies concocted from the area's many local shamans and healers.

    I've also pinched this from the website as it explains so well what we found when we were there:

    Travel & Tourism:Chiclayo main city square

    Chiclayo Peru is one of northern Peru's more interesting cities, and its close proximity to other interesting northern coastal cities as well as its plethora of intriguing ruins, scenic countryside, and vibrant culture makes traveling in the area a rich and exciting experience. Undoubtedly, it is the archeological ruins in the area that draw the most tourism interest.

    Highlights & Features of the City

    Downtown Chiclayo...

    features a thriving marketplace commonly known as the Mercado Modelo. Here, shoppers can purchase appliances and clothing as well as many natural medicines and herbal remedies, such as the famous“uña de gato” (Cat's Claw) in its raw fibrous bark form (suitable for brewing as a tea), and a myriad of other interesting products from the area's local shamans and healers.

    The Mercado is located just 5 blocks from the Parque Principal (Plaza de Armas), and is open daily from sun-up to sun-down.

    Click to Enlarge: Shopping_chiclayo_regionWhat to Do & See

    In addition to its archeological wonders and shopping opportunities, the city of Chiclayo boasts some of the finest cooking to be had in northern Peru! (some local specialties include arroz con pato (duck served with rice) and the local variation of ceviche (raw fish marinated in lemon juice).

    Other Chiclayo social scenes include partying at the local private casino club and relaxing (music, poetry, etc.) in the impressive Paseo de la Musas, which features elegant statues of traditional Greek Muses in a grassy park-like setting.

    (According to the Project Director Metropolitan "Chiclayo 2020", there are many future plans to expand and integrate the central nucleus of the city with its surrounding districts.)

    Just in case you're wondering what "Cuidad de la Amistad" means, it means "The City of Friendship" and we have found it to be just that.  It's a great place to base yourself while you go and see the archaeological wonders of the surrounding area.  Our next stop is to be Cajamarca, up in the Andes.

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