Wednesday 13 November 2013

Peru Highlights

Peru Highlights is easily the most popular of our holidays, so we're going to give you a taster.

Day 1 Lima - Arrival
Arrival in Lima, the "City of Kings" famous for
 its Spanish Colonial architecture, extraordinary museums and cuisine. Lima is internationally recognized as the "Gastronomic Capital of the Americas", and its cuisine is considered among the most diverse and exquisite in the world on par with French cuisine. Upon arrival a host will meet and assist you in transferring to the hotel and in registering.

Day 2 Lima / Arequipa  (B)
Transfer to the airport for your flight to Arequipa at an elevation of 7,300 feet.Upon arrival a host will meet 
and assist you in transferring to the hotel and in registering. 
Also known as the "White City" for its many constructions built of white volcanic stone,Arequipa
is at the foothills of the Misti Volcano (the guardian 
of the city) and it has a splendid Cathedral that is considered one of the first seventeenth century 
religious monuments of the city.

For the full itinerary see
We'll add to this blog from day to day.  Thank you for continuing to look although we had done nothing for so long.

Thursday 24 October 2013

Peru Highlights

Titilaka and Puno

Day 6 Puno – Uros, Amantani and Taquile Islands on Lake Titikaka (B,L)
Now for a Boat excursion to Uros and Taquile Islands on Lake Titikaka. This full day excursion will take you to the highest navigable lake in the world to the floating islands of the Uros Indians, man-made islands by tying totora reeds. The Uros considered themselves Lords of the Lake; they hunt wild birds and maintain traditional fishing methods. The men have developed an extraordinary skill in weaving reeds; producing houses, boats and handicrafts, and the women are expert knitters.
We stay one night in Amantani Island with the local people

Day 7 Taquile Islands on Lake Titikaka - Puno (B,L)
Continuing to Taquile where a native community of about 400 families still lives with the traditions and high principals of the Incas. Taquile is a very important site on Lake Titikaka for its archaeological remains, the sacred and ceremonial sites, the festive activities and their rituals. Taquile is characterised by its friendly inhabitants, who maintain their customs and traditional clothing. They distinguish themselves by their detailed, fine, and colourful textiles with symmetrical decorations and symbols that reflect their way of life and Andean beliefs. Lunch is included.

Day 8 Puno to Cusco (B,L)
Bus journey through the Peruvian Andes from Puno to Cusco - Today one of South America's most extraordinary overland trips takes you by coach to Cusco passing through striking highland scenery and picturesque Andean villages. Brief stops at Raqchi to see the remains of the remarkable temple of Viracocha, considered by the historians an important Inca construction, and at the town of Andahuaylillas, a showcase of the colonial art in Peru, sometimes called "the Sistine Chapel of America". Lunch is included.

For more information on Peru Holidays contact us on

Thursday 10 October 2013

Continuing Peru Highlights - the Colca Canyon

Day 3 & 4, Oct 10 – Arequipa / Colca Canyon (B,L,D)
Departure towards the highlands - Andes - passing through Yura-Pampa Cañahuas and La Pulpera with a good possibility of observing groups of wild vicuñas and fighting cattle. The road to the Colca Canyon reaches a high point of 13,000 feet before dropping down to the valley, an area of breathtaking landscapes surrounded by terracing and snow-capped peaks. Far below, at a depth of 10,000 feet, the Colca River winds along the bottom of the canyon, the world's deepest.
Overnight in Colca Canyon area.

Day 5, Oct 11 – Colca Canyon  (B,L,D)
To maximise your probability of seeing condors we depart very early towards a superb natural lookout point “Cross of the Condor” from where one can watch condors wheeling across the Colca Canyon, at about an altitude of 15,000 feet. The valley also features pre-Inca ruins, pre-Inca burial grounds and archaeological remains left behind by the Collagua, the ancient inhabitants of the area. Drive further in to the canyon to observe the way of life in this remote land and to admire the impressive irrigation system and the fertile mountains terraced for farming of the Colca valley.

We'll add to this blog from day to day.

Friday 4 October 2013

Peru Highlights

Peru Highlights is easily the most popular of our holidays, so we're going to give you a taster.

Day 1 Lima - Arrival
Arrival in Lima, the "City of Kings" famous for
 its Spanish Colonial architecture, extraordinary museums and cuisine. Lima is internationally recognized as the "Gastronomic Capital of the Americas", and its cuisine is considered among the most diverse and exquisite in the world on par with French cuisine. Upon arrival a host will meet and assist you in transferring to the hotel and in registering.

Day 2 Lima / Arequipa  (B)
Transfer to the airport for your flight to Arequipa at an elevation of 7,300 feet. Upon arrival a host will meet 
and assist you in transferring to the hotel and in registering. 
Also known as the "White City" for its many constructions built of white volcanic stone, Arequipa
is at the foothills of the Misti Volcano (the guardian 
of the city) and it has a splendid Cathedral that is considered one of the first seventeenth century 
religious monuments of the city.

For the full itinerary see
We'll add to this blog from day to day.  Thank you for continuing to look although we had done nothing for so long.

Saturday 25 May 2013

Exploring the Sacred Valley

We first took the train through the Sacred Valley on our way to Machu Picchu.
We took the ordinary train - above,
but there is also the Vista Dome.
After staying in Cusco and visiting Machu Picchu it is well worth staying in a hotel in the Sacred Valley.  We have already shown you the Aranwa, and now we move to the Sol y Luna at Urubamba.
This is a standard lodge in a beautiful setting, but what I want to do is to show you around.
This is one way of getting around but we choose to go by car.
This is the church at Chincheros
And this is the Indian Market.  Sorry about the quality of this photo.
Here are the Maras Salt Pools - and again:

And now the Moray Terraces - and then we move on to Ollantaytambo, which I really love and have masses of photos, but we only have space for a few.

Here we have several photos of the old fortress.

And this is the last of Ollantaytambo.

 Here is Huaypo Lake

 Here we have paragliding

And here are Peruvian Paso horses, which are the ones that are often trained to do very intricate steps.

Not a wonderful photo, but you can just about make out the very distinctive dress they wear.

These steps are terraces called Andenes de Moray.

Friday 24 May 2013

And now for Dessert

Here is the dessert menu as promised:
This is a Dome of Bitter Chocolate.

Pisco confit quince pudding stuffed with purple corn and pineapple crisp.  Pisco is a well-known alcoholic drink.

And the third and final offering is Rice Pudding Pastry.

What are you going to drink?  I have already mentioned Pisco, but how about something non-alcoholic?

This is my all time favourite drink.  Inca Kola is a really delicious Cola that easily outsells Coke and Pepsi in Peru, with the result that Coca-Cola ended up buying it.  It was actually invented by an English couple,José Robinson Lindley and his wife Martha  .  In 1935, Lima was celebrating 400 years since its founding, and the Lindleys decided to produce a unique drink to commemorate the event and their new homeland.

José Lindley had learned of a concoction based on hierba Luísa, lemon verbena, and began experimenting with different mixtures, fussing with the ingredients and the levels of carbonation until finding just the right formula. Thus was born, Inca Kola, a fruity soda that was launched with this catchy slogan:

Inca Kola, sólo hay una y no se parece a ninguna.Inca Kola,
 there is only one, unlike any other.

For the full story see my blog posting The Wonderful Inca Kola.

Gastronomic Delight in the Sacred Valley

This hardly looks real, does it?  But it is and it's the Aranwa Hotel in the Sacred Valley near Cusco.

This is one of the rooms and below join us in the restaurant we'll make your mouth water by showing you some of the wonderful food you can eat there.
This is Alpaca Carapaccio.
And this is Alpaca Tenderloin.
While this is Marinated Lamb Cannelloni.
And what about Pappardelle with Grilled Vegetables!  I'm doing this at lunchtime!
Prawns with Garlic Alioli Foam
Sautéed Pumpkin Stew with Grilled Shrimps
And Tiradito of Trout with Hot Pepper Sauce makes up the first course menu.

We'll give you time to make your choice and digest these before returning with the menu for the dessert.

Visit our website to find out how to contact us for more information about how to partake in these fantastic holidays.

Thursday 21 March 2013

The Wonderful City of Cusco

Finally we arrive in the beautiful city of Cusco, which is situated right in the Andes.  This is how we describe it on our website:
The Imperial Capital of the Incas, is the oldest continuously inhabited city in the Americas.

Cusco is a spectacular destination where the imprints of the Incas and the influence of colonial Spain are found on every street corner and interwoven through the city's architecture. Its name "Cusco" or Cuzco" means in Quechua "centre of the world, from when it was the capital of the Tahuantinsuyo empire, as the Inca empire was known. 

From the moment you arrive in this beautiful city it involves you with a mystical energy. Known as the archaeological capital of America, Cusco is surrounded by Sacsayhuaman and Puca Pucara, the Ollantaytambo complex, the royal garden of Tampumachay and beautiful towns such as Pisaq, Chinchero, Calca and Yucuay, that keep the traditions of their ancestors.

Although Cusco is predominantly pre-Columbian, with such treasures as the Coricancha (the Sun Temple), the Kiswar Kancha, the Amaru Cancha (Snake Fence), and the Ajilla Wasi, colonial gems such as the Cathedral, the church and Convent of La Merced and the San Blas Temple merge into its architecture. 

Cusco is known for the wealth and diversity of its traditions. The most spectacular dances are the Dance of the Churches, the Qollas, the Cusco Carnival, the Dance of the Doctorcitos, the Dance of the Negritos, the Contradanza,the Sacra K'achampa and the Panadero.
It really is a lovely city so here are some more photos:
The roofs are typical Andean.
And now we go to the convent of Santo Domingo:
And now we're in the cloisters:

In beautiful colonial style;

I think this is such a beautiful view.

And now here's a contrast:
It'a a group of women in traditional Andean dress protesting about something, but we can't remember what!