Thursday 24 October 2013

Peru Highlights

Titilaka and Puno

Day 6 Puno – Uros, Amantani and Taquile Islands on Lake Titikaka (B,L)
Now for a Boat excursion to Uros and Taquile Islands on Lake Titikaka. This full day excursion will take you to the highest navigable lake in the world to the floating islands of the Uros Indians, man-made islands by tying totora reeds. The Uros considered themselves Lords of the Lake; they hunt wild birds and maintain traditional fishing methods. The men have developed an extraordinary skill in weaving reeds; producing houses, boats and handicrafts, and the women are expert knitters.
We stay one night in Amantani Island with the local people

Day 7 Taquile Islands on Lake Titikaka - Puno (B,L)
Continuing to Taquile where a native community of about 400 families still lives with the traditions and high principals of the Incas. Taquile is a very important site on Lake Titikaka for its archaeological remains, the sacred and ceremonial sites, the festive activities and their rituals. Taquile is characterised by its friendly inhabitants, who maintain their customs and traditional clothing. They distinguish themselves by their detailed, fine, and colourful textiles with symmetrical decorations and symbols that reflect their way of life and Andean beliefs. Lunch is included.

Day 8 Puno to Cusco (B,L)
Bus journey through the Peruvian Andes from Puno to Cusco - Today one of South America's most extraordinary overland trips takes you by coach to Cusco passing through striking highland scenery and picturesque Andean villages. Brief stops at Raqchi to see the remains of the remarkable temple of Viracocha, considered by the historians an important Inca construction, and at the town of Andahuaylillas, a showcase of the colonial art in Peru, sometimes called "the Sistine Chapel of America". Lunch is included.

For more information on Peru Holidays contact us on

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